I Wonder
I've had some memorable patients in my days in Kuching. I sometimes wonder if they are still around, whether they won their battles....or had succumbed.
M was a young lady who had never smoked a cigarette in her life. At age 32 years, she was diagnosed to have stage IV lung carcinoma. One of the first chest drain insertions I performed was on her, which she bravely tolerated. Her husband brought me fresh tiger prawns from the village - I think they lived in my freezer for months. She was lost to follow-up subsequently. I wonder if her last weeks or months were good.
J was another young lady diagnosed to have multiple sclerosis. It was heart-wrenching to watch her disability progress. Each time her ward stay became longer; soon it felt like she'd never left the ward at all. My colleague and I chipped in to buy her an AM/FM radio to ease the boredom of being confined to her bed 24-7. It broke my heart when her young son came to visit and took the radio home with him. I wonder if you're in a better place now, J.
Mr B had bronchial asthma, initially cared for by a GP who put him on years of long-term oral corticosteroids. His asthma control was atrocious. He was a regular at the emergency department - on most of my on-call days he was certainly there. I wonder if he is still steroid-dependant?
Finally, an adolescent with Type I diabetes mellitus, who had recurrent episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis. His presentation was classic - he'd walk in, looking a little dehydrated, breathing a little rapidly, and he'd say, "Doc, I think I have DKA"! A blood gas analysis always confirmed his acidotic state. He'd survived each one. I wonder if he'd run out of "luck" some day.
I wonder if I'd still see some of these folks when I return to Kuching.
When were your days in Kuching? I was there from 1998 till 2000 :)
you know doc...there will always be patients that we remember...I still remember some of my first patients...by their first name....but that I think is a good think...it shows that we too are human and have feelings....I don't think the average person has any idea of the kinds of things we see and the people that cross our path....
When u will return to Kuching ya? Want to tumpang beli Laksa Sarawak ingredients!
Chen : 2001 till 2005. Loved that city!
Smalltown RN : That's why our jobs are sometimes so satisfying!
Jimbo : Once I go I may not return...but I'd graciously be your host when you come visit!
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