08 June, 2007


This is another LULU moment.

We bought tickets to see Shrek 3 and to our surprise the movie projected on the screen was Pirates of The Carribean 3, which we had already seen! The guy at the ticket counter must have been day dreaming - we asked for Shrek, but he sold us tickets for Pirates instead. Our fault too for not checking the tickets before leaving the counter.

Oh well, we didn't mind sitting through another 3 hours of swashbuckling action. When the credits rolled, people streamed out of the cinema while my husband and I stayed behind, knowing that there's extra footage midway through the credits, having missed it the first time. We felt so smug!

Then again, who's the bigger lulu? Probably us!


eve said...

Go again lor..it's the weekend again..For me , I wont mind spending another phak tor time together for another movie..hehe..

sbanboy said...


At least you went with someone ... I am used to watching movies alone

fibrate said...

Eve : Shrek 3 and Ocean's 13 this weekend!

Sbanboy : I have some nice and single girlfriends...interested? :)

M K said...

seems like our smart khorgath and fibrate occasional become Ah Beng and ah Lian also. Never mind lah, At least watch the last part after some credit. Xmen 3 final part after all the credit for 3 minutes then shows you Profesior x actually alive in ICU. Wish you watch that parts too. Happy Shrek 3! www.medicfang.blogaspot.com

fibrate said...

Medic Fang : Actually I didn't know that Prof X survived. Ha, ha, LULU again! We're not so smart actually! :)