31 May, 2007


We love this word. We don't know its origin, or how it crept into our vocabulary.

lulu (n.)
one who has been duped / easily duped

Several examples to illustrate its meaning :

Scenario 1
I was at McD trying to get some take away dinner. There were 3 counters, only one of which was operational. I went to an empty one, but no one was manning it, and no one intended to (there were idle staff members milling around, looking busy). As soon as I joined the queue, a staff opened another counter and immediately served a lady who had just walked in. I swear she saw me come first. I felt like a lulu.

Scenario 2
I caught POTC : At World's End last week. Felt rather pleased I could get tickets. Enjoyed the movie, though the ending was less than ideal. Cleverly surmised that a 4th movie was definitely on the cards, as there were loose ends and no closure. Capt Jack Sparrow lost his Black Pearl? Will was separated from Elizabeth? Learned today however that there was a "second" ending, which came up after the credits. Yes, you guessed it. I felt lulu-fied.

Scenario 3
This is a frequent occurrence at Baskin Robbins - being short-changed. For instance, the bill says RM 22.06. If you pay RM 22.10 you won't get any change back. They won't accept RM 22.00 either, because you're 6 cents short. They think we are lulus.

Get it?


Chen said...

indeed lulu :d
the word lulu always reminds me of the phrase used in the HK tv drama series in the past

eve said...

Kesian...haha..Thanks for the meaning..

fibrate said...

Chen : Actually, you are so right...:)

Eve : A few people I spoke to agreed that lulu meant just that. Ha, ha!