19 May, 2007

The Wedding

I'm attending the wedding of a long-time friend today.

I'm looking forward to it despite being day 2 post-call - stressed-out skin, less than sensational hair, a pair of tired-looking eyes and some insect bites on distal extremities which I could in no way cover up (Insect bites? Probably from bugs that co-inhabit the bed in my on-call room).

I'm looking forward to it because I'd be meeting up with people I grew up with, way way back in the pre-Blogger, pre-YouTube, pre-Friendster era. It's nice to see what varied lifestyles we have each pursued. It's even nicer to celebrate our similarities, that we can still pick up where we left off and laugh at the same silly things.

Mostly though, I'm looking forward to it because hubby and I could pretend that we are celebrating our other wedding anniversary (which falls on the same day) in a swanky hotel on another person's expense. Mwa ha ha ha!

Now, how do I assimilate a DSLR into my look without looking like an overdressed photographer on the job or a pretencious wanna-be photographer?

*Other wedding anniversary : when we threw a dinner reception to celebrate our marriage which had taken place earlier

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.