04 June, 2007

A Step Forward

After umpteenth months, the powers that be have decided that I am "ready" to assume specialist responsibilities.

It's life as usual, except for a certain awkwardness in doing ward rounds with people who were once your colleagues of same rank (and with whom you sometimes b***h about some specialists over lunch). What is really wonderful though is the fact that my signature carries a great deal more weight now. Imagine, I can now prescribe amlodipine for my mother-in-law without having to beg for a specialist's signature!

Some genius told me, "Membership has its privileges".

I couldn't agree more!


Anonymous said...

Indeed, every MRCP holder rightly deserves the elevated status.

fibrate said...

Thanks, Nocturnale. Starting to feel mouldy as an MO already!

eve said...

Amboi....Already a specialist?..Yippeee...congrats..

fibrate said...

Thanks, Eve!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the club. Now I can wear red again when I'm on call! :-)

Anonymous said...

Just a question, specialist in malaysia is equivalent to a registrar in UK and Australia?

By the way, congratulations.

fibrate said...

Jimbo : Sorry for being overly superstitious...yes, you can wear sequins to work now for all I care! :)

Ronald : Yeah, I suppose specialist = registrar in UK.

yltan said...

Ronald in the uk..there are no specialist. For eg..i work as a specialist registrar/ registrar for short. There is a thing called the rotation... at the end of five years... you will be consultant. In the last two years as senior reg... first three years as junior reg... and by year three supposed to passed your postgrad examinations i.e. membership of whatever college... So, as a matter a fact even if you passed, you are still in training and working similarly like the other reg who has yet to sit for the exams...

Pretty much different from malaysia where once passed membership considered higher rank than medical officer...

fibrate... i am sure its going to be cool working as a physician!!

fibrate said...

I suppose MRCP is considered an "exit" exam here. Anyway, glad to have taken a step forward.

Anonymous said...

Sequins!!! Good grief!!!

yltan said...

fibrate: yes yes... definitely a relief. i can remember the very day i passed my mrcog, i felt the weight lifted from my shoulders..